Monday, April 21, 2008

How To Give Self Hanging Wedgi

cosmetics without animal fat

Nature has all the plant resources needed to create effective and cosmetic benefits for your body. So why still use animal fat? The answer is simple it is easier for industries to extract and allows mass production which is extremely fast, efficient and profitable. But have you ever thought about the animals killed so that you can wash, you add the cream, make-up? Also, be aware that products made from animal fat often create allergic reactions, dry skin and rashes.

Many plants produce oils that can be used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Indeed, just think of olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil soy to understand that a product can be 100% plant and have moisturizing properties. In addition, several plants are known since time immemorial, to have medicinal qualities. Some are toning and other relaxing, healing others, etc..

In natural foods stores or online you will find a range of cosmetics without animal fat and 100% natural. This is extremely important because these products are free of toxic chemicals are very harmful to your health and frequently through the epidermis to mingle to all parts of your body. Also, opt for the countless more plant resources to heal and pamper you.

For example, to treat burns and skin lesions you can use aloe vera, calendula oil, oil of lilies or hypericum. To refresh your skin using rose oil. To invigorate the use rosemary, etc.. Out of respect for your environment and your body go for cosmetic animal fat free and 100% organic.

--- Learn all about organic, ecological and equitable BioEcolo:


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