Thursday, March 20, 2008

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the House and respect for the environment closely related

planete terre et respect environnement In our modern world and at home must respect the environment is one of the rules of life of its occupants because our planet is in danger now more than ever.

The future of the world necessarily involves home by the fireplace, where you can easily take actions that violate the environmental protection. An ecological and healthy home should be equipped with anything that can help effectively and sustainably to protect the environment. This is already more of several national organizations that act in the direction of protecting the environment, but also requires that citizens in their homes also act in the same direction.

developpement durable ampoule economie energie house and respect the environment can be closely related to the condition and properly equipped to do simple things inside it. We have to install devices that consume little energy as possible, isolate correctly against heat and cold to use at least the fan, air conditioning and heating. The bulbs should be changed to compact fluorescent bulbs that consume about 80% less energy than regular bulbs. It should, however pay attention to brands of bulbs that contain mercury and ensure they have them in places provided for this purpose and not in the trash because it will contaminate the soil from landfills.

Adopt the habit of sorting his house is a gesture of respect for the environment because it encourages the recycling of certain waste and reduces waste in landfills. By any simple gestures and daily environmental protection, we can make a difference in thinking of our children. Review its habits can do much good then no hesitation to have.

Let's act for the planet? Start with house and respect the environment and will be the most simple and effective!

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Source: Free Content / Environment


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