Sustainable Fair Trade and Sustainable Development
Fair Trade and sustainable development go hand in hand. If you feel like you invest in sustainable development, so you can immediately take action by switching as often as possible for fair trade products. Many retailers have understood today that fair trade and sustainable development will be tomorrow's valuable selling points, and have already made the page.
Max Havelaar, for example, is one of the best known brands that are committed to fair trade and development sustainable. But the retail chain "artisans of the world" works for a very long time on this principle. Of course, the products you find in shops such artisans of the world, can sometimes be purchased at other stores for less. But then you know that these products have not been manufactured in compliance with human rights. It is then neither fair trade or sustainable development, but hardline trade where profit matters most ...
If you are interested in fair trade and sustainable development, you can get more information about the subject by visiting the official website of the CCTB (Platform for Fair Trade): "
This site brings together all current information about fair trade, and keeps you informed of major events and actions of representatives of the trade fair in your area.
By visiting the website of the CCTB, you can also view a list of outlets operating in support of fair trade and sustainable development.
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