Monday, August 20, 2007

Cruising Places In Baltimore

little visit today. Angelika had to leave at 9:30 for the exit to the outside, so we had to visit only 45 minutes, Sveta had problems with the guardian this morning, we arrived 15 minutes later. The nannies have told us a bunch of stuff coming in, but Sveta was not there, we do not understand, then walking Outside, we saw the mini bus with all children, ready to leave at 9:30. So we let them get away with Angelika with her clothes on the back nine, which we hope to get tomorrow morning.

As you can see, a real little doll dressed as a girl! It really is 24months and 2 years and 5 to parfection shoes. She is small for his age, but chubby. She probably will grow a lot this winter, so he puts his clothes while he makes it like a glove.

nice day!


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